Airlines: the future of mobility operators

Guest post by Mark Preston
I was sitting on the tarmac on a British Airways flight returning from a weekend away in Lisbon. I was pondering a recent comment by a colleague who said that it wouldn’t be the traditional OEMs that will survive the coming mobility revolution. Look at previous attempts to move down the verticals into other areas as diverse as mapping, CAD systems, Kwikfit, and rental cars.
24 Great Truckin’ Songs

In 1976 I was 8 years old, living on a farm in Kiacatoo , outside Condobolin in central New South Wales, and… into trucks. For Christmas that year I was given my first LP: ‘24 Great Truck Drivin’ Songs’. It even had CB Trucker Talk code words on the back to decode the “secret” trucker talk, and this led me to build myself a side band radio to listen to the truck drivers in the vicinity! Read more…