A Simulated Reality

Like many other Covid-impacted events, Formula Student is making a virtue of going virtual this summer A few months ago, we reported on these channels how the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) had been extremely willing to embrace autonomous vehicle engineering into its Formula Student programme. Formula Student has been a rich source of challenge […]
Potholes, what potholes?

Dean Temple has arguably the weightiest task of all at StreetDrone, looking after the company finances. From his vantage point, he offers his thoughts on forms of digital disruption other than driverless cars and where Covid-19 might leave us all in the months ahead. “In his seminal work “News from Nowhere” William Morris envisaged a […]
Parking Cars Together

At StreetDrone towers, while we’re busy developing the tech that makes it easier & safer for cities to deploy autonomous urban services, it’s not unknown to run into problems. One of our mantras has always been that problems are best solved by throwing some unique and specialist engineers together in a room and an hour […]
[Hello World!] Sense — Plan — Act

In the second of new series of technical blogs, StreetDrone is going to explain the hierarchy of a “robotic” self-driving system, and how that translates into the movement of a self-driving car. Our “Hello World!” series is written by software engineer Efimia Panagiotaki, a tech-trotter with engineering experience ranging from the National Technical University of […]
Today, we’re releasing our Safety Report, entitled “Putting Safety First in Autonomous Vehicles”

StreetDrone’s safety approach for testing and deploying connected & autonomous vehicles. With many other considerations at the forefront of people’s minds, the StreetDrone team has spent some of their remote working time thinking about our approach to safety. Together we have compiled a document that summarises our approach and adds to the wider industry’s discussion […]
In Times of Austerity — Grow Your Own!

We’re heading for a colossal skills shortage, says StreetDrone CEO, Mike Potts. Here at StreetDrone towers, we’re busy at the coalface making it faster, easier and safer for cities to deploy, learn and scale autonomous urban vehicle trials. Since our business was established five years ago, we’ve grown continuously and consistently, but while our progress […]
StreetDrone in the News: Meet the man who ‘drives’ driverless cars

In today’s Telegraph, project engineer Ross James explains the role of a safety driver, and his real world experiences of trialing autonomous vehicle technology. In the article, Ross describes some of the key challenges he faces on a day to day basis as he oversees StreetDrone’s real world deployments of open source self-driving software. To […]
Keeping UK Plc clear of the congestion ahead.

Earlier this year StreetDrone’s Founder, Mark Preston, added his name to 19 others as a signatory to an open letter in the Telegraph urging the government to sustain its investment in the CAV or connected & autonomous vehicle industry. He joined the call from the leaders of other organisations including AXA, Telefonica UK, Thatcham Research, […]
[Hello World!] – Why ROS?

Welcome to our series of technical blogs
StreetDrone – An ODD Ambition to Meet Need

StreetDrones ODD and VDD Definition Process